She's here!!

Layla Jane White made her appearance this morning at 3:14AM at 38w5d. I had a doctors appointment yesterday at 11:00AM, membranes were swept and I was in full blown labor by 9:00PM. I was +2 station, 80% effaced, and only 1 centimeter dilated at the doctor - arrived at the hospital at 4cm. An hour later I had progressed to 6cm, then quickly to 7. My contractions hurt so bad, I just wanted to be admitted so I could receive an epidural (which was my plan the whole pregnancy). I was admitted around 2, did the paperwork, answered questions, and got the IV in my hand. While this was happening, I heard one nurse say to the other "he's in a trauma and she's in a c-section" - I knew right then they were referring to the anesthesiologists on call. The decided to check me & I was at a 10 - fully dilated, no meds for me. I was terrified, I didn't think I could do it. I started pushing around 2:50AM, knowing there was only one way out of this & it was going to be really painful. Somewhere in there my water broke and I lost my mucus plug, all during active labor, none of that happened at home for me. By 3:14AM I had delivered my beautiful daughter, Layla. Teeny tiny - weighing in at 5lb 7oz and 19".