Prayers 🙏🏻

I have a cousin who in her younger, wilder days, was in a car accident that crippled her up pretty bad. She's been through so much, good and bad. She just recently got married to a good godly man (he's a preacher), and she's been wanting to start a family with him. She has a hard time walking sometimes she has to use a walker, and the muscles in her arms make it to where she can't stretch them out right. Her doctors have told her to not even try but she's determined. She's had about 2-4 miscarriages and she just keeps buying more and more baby stuff then selling it when she loses the baby. I am coming to glow to ask for prayers for her. God knows if his plan for her is to bring a child into this world but I still wish her all the best. She would be a great mom dispite her disabilities. I'm also asking that you refrain from negativity, just because she isn't in tip top shape doesn't mean she doesn't deserve a child. Thank you all for reading this!!
(This is her with a relatives baby)