Insurance doesn't cover breast pump..


Just got told our insurance only covers a breast pump if we've met our deductible, and then they only cover 80%. Our deductible probably won't be met until we've gone through delivery, so we won't be able to get one that way until way after the baby is born! So... What now? Anyone else have this problem? Am I going to have to suck it up and buy one? I have no idea what kind to get because I figured insurance would mandate what I got!

EDIT: The reason I'm wanting one Asap is because I'm exclusively pumping (not going into that here). Anyways, we called our insurance and found out that they do cover them, we just have to go through a certain vendor. So all of you saying you're having similar problems, call your insurance and ask them if you have to get it from somewhere specific! They gave us a website where it will be 100% covered, and we have nine to choose from! Now to figure out which one to get...