Pissed and disapointed rant, could use advice.

Asia • My husband and I have been ttc for 7 months, and just suffered through a heartbreaking ectopic pregnancy. My heart and body are hurting so much, I just want things to go back to normal.

Awhile back my parents offered to have my husband and I move into a house they own with our daughter and baby on the way so that we could move closer to them, and take care of their house. So we uproot our lives and move 130 miles thinking it would be a mutually beneficial situation. After living in said home, we discovered that the previous tenant had bed bugs, so now we have them. My dad continues to dismiss the idea, even though he told me that the previous tenant said she thought she got bed bugs from the new rental he moved her into.

I have done everything possible to get rid of them on my own to the point of buying new mattresses, and trying like 6 different types sprays and chemicals. I told my dad it was time for an exterminator which will cost us $1500, and asked him if he could help us pay for it since I'm still on maternity leave. My parents said they didn't have the money to help. Well my sister had money she was going to pay them back from a loan she got from them, and suggested they help with that money. My dad pretty much told her it wasn't his problem and he needed that money in case he has any issues with his other rentals.

I'm so upset that my parents feel no obligation to help, when they would be legally responsible if it were a normal tenant, but I'm even more upset that they don't care that their grandchildren are living in these conditions. I don't want to deal with the tension and conflict, but still think they should have to help. Idk what to do at this point. And the most frustrating part of all this is that my parents have selfishly blown a half a million dollar inheritance from my grandfather in the last couple years, and I feel like it made them so greedy they are more worried about their last bit of money than their family.

How would others suggest I handle this situation?