Stomach bug going around 😩

Amanda • 24•married august 2013•1 year old son•due with baby #2 july 2016
So I'm 38 weeks and 4 days.. My husband and my 21 month old son both have the diarrhea stomach bug. My son had a fever with it earlier this week but that subsided. I'm having to take care of my husband (who thinks he's dying) as well as my boy. I'm trying to just suck it up and tough it out but it's so hard when I'm this pregnant. I'm huge and baby is sitting very low. I was 2.5 cm and 80% effaced on Wednesday and my next appt is Tuesday where we will schedule an induction date since my first was shoulder dystocia. Just so wanting this to blow over before I go into labor and have to send my sick kid off to my MIL's and my husband has the craps in my hospital room. Also praying I don't get this either.. Already feeling achy and sick and hoping it's all in my head. Anyone else dealing or have dealt with the stomach flu during late pregnancy or even L&D? I need some encouragement, ladies. 😔