Visitors at the hospital...need some advice.

Megan • Happily married. One 2015 angel baby, little girl born Sept 2016, & one due June 2019.
So my hubby and I had our class and tour of the hospital today. We saw the L&D room, the recovery suite and the waiting room (for family members). My hubby and I have already agreed that it will be just him with me while I'm in labor. We created the baby alone together we will be the ones to witness the birth of our child.
Now, my mother and I are very close. She had made a comment about being at the hospital and waiting while I'm in labor and how she doesn't care how long it takes. I feel badly because the waiting room is so uncomfortable looking and she could be waiting awhile. After the birth we plan to do skin to skin and I want to try to establish breastfeeding. I don't want people coming in while we're trying to bond and get cleaned up. I know all this adds to the wait. 
However, I mentioned to my hubby that I might need my mom (someone who's been through labor) while I'm in labor or to be with me if he needs a break or to get food etc. He's such a great hubby and insists he's not leaving me and then said that I'm 27 and don't need my mother. 
I know my mother's feelings are going to be hurt and she's going to think its all my hubby's ideas to keep everyone out. But I agree with him that I want this to be the two of us and want to bond with our baby girl and get cleaned up before the grandparents are introduced to their grandchild. I don't want him to get upset with me either if I say I need my mom while laboring (before pushing). 
I'm just conflicted and don't know what to do. Any advice is greatly welcomed. Thanks!