Daily schedule?

Melissa • My husband and I were blessed on November 19 2015 with our son Nolan! Currently pregnant with baby #2 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦
Hey guys just curious what kind of schedule you have set up for your little one? Just want to have something to compare mine to. My son is 8months :) 
Here's mine- 
6am bottle 
Playtime- Will have 1/2 hour little cat nap 
9am bottle 
10am breakfast (cereal+fruit)
1200pm bottle then will have about a 3 hour nap 
300pm snack (yogurt)  
400pm bottle 
500-530 dinner (vegetable)
Bath and some quiet play time lol 
700-730 bottle then we do our bedtime routine and he is asleep for the night by 8