How to let go of a toxic relationship?

I have a friend that I been messing around with for a couple years. We never actually date due to the distance of our colleges but we never lose contact and especially when we come home we would pick up where we left off. We been doing this for a couple years. No lie I hate the fact that we're not together. I can't stand the idea of him being with anyone else and he constantly tell me he love me and how much he cares but when I asked him why can't we actually be together he would just use the same excuse. It's actually scares me how much I care about him. Deep down I know it's a good thing that we're not dating because I love him more than I love myself and that's unhealthy. I told myself a million times that I would eventually move on but somehow I just couldn't do it no matter how awful he treats me. How do you guys let go of someone you love so much?