Would you be angry??

My partner works Monday-Friday all day. When he comes home I make sure the house is tidy and his tea is ready for him. As i am no longer working I get bored throughout the day and don't have any money to do anything. So all I do is clean and cook. He's off at weekends so I enjoy spending time together doing things as a couple before our baby comes in 10 weeks. But for the past 5-6 weeks I've hardly seen him on a weekend as his dad is taking over everything. He just turns up at our house and expects my boyfriend to do things with him and stands in house looking for jobs he can do. We never get a minutes peace and I'm worried he's going to be the same with the baby. Just turning up and taking him out. They are turning one of their bedrooms into their own nursery for my own baby. I asked my partner if we could go out for the day this weekend to get me out of the house and for something for us to do. But his dad's already made plans for them to go out together so I'm stuck at home again on my own. It makes me really angry and upset. I've tried talking to my partner about it but he doesn't listen and in some ways I think he's scared of his dad but he needs to stand up to him. He has his own life and family now and his dad needs to understand that and back off!!