Black Disney Princess

Ok, this might seem like I'm being petty to most people, but... I freaking love Disney movies. So, it's important to me.  I don't have a leg to stand on here because I'm white so maybe I'm way off base, but I feel like I'm left STILL really wanting a black Disney princess. The Princess and the Frog feels really like the tiniest of tiny bones to be thrown and I'm just not satisfied! She's not even on screen for most of the movie :( plus. I remember as a little girl, all the little girls would play Disney Princess and you always pick the one that looks the most like you. Putting myself in the shoes of a little black girl I would almost wish there just still wasn't a black one so I could pretend to be any of the others! Ok, the Princess that looks like all the other girls has magic ice powers, is a mermaid, rides a magic carpet, lives in a huge castle, saved china, stopped a war, changed the laws of the land, and the Princess that looks like me.. Runs a restaurant?? Like, that's a great lesson for little girls and very practical that you can work hard and have a career but I just don't feel like this is the time to be practical?? Make a different movie about that, but I want a magical bad ass black Princess that shows up in her own damn movie for more than 2 minutes and there is nothing practical about her! Disney Magic! not Disney hard work and realistic goals 😒 Am I wrong?