Anyone been induced?

Rebekah • We're 27&30, awaiting the arrival of our Daughter Theory on August 6th, 2016. Together 4 1/2 years. My 1st/His 3rd. 💖
I need to know what I'm up against. I've been told it's so much worse and that it leads to a cascade of interventions. I'm scared. They want to induce me at 39 weeks (5 days from now) because of gestational diabetes. I am bummed. I was told that as long as my sugars were well controlled (they are), that she wasn't growing crazy big (she's not, 36 week scan showed her in the 33rd percentile, so she's actually a little petite), and as long as her NST's look great (I go 2x a week- they are always absolutely perfect), that I would NOT have to be induced early. They say it's just their "protocol" and something about GD ages the placenta? Ugh. I don't know what I should do. I just wanna make the right choice for her. The safest choice, but they may be deciding NO INDUCTION. Can anyone share experiences? Anyone have positive outcomes? Anyone able to do it naturally?
Thanks so much! 💖