Labor and delivery story!

• Pregnant ♡
This is my first time on here since I've have my baby. Let's see it all started at 38 weeks on July 3rd. On July 3rd I woke up around 10 am I noticed some cramping and a little bit of blood but I've had that before so I didn't think anything and didn't want to go to the hospital to get check just to be sent back home. I went the rest of the day with the same cramping as if I was going to start my period and blood only when I wiped. We had went over to my parents to visit and hung out with my brothers, sister, nieces and nephew. Later on that night around 11 pm we decided to leave I decided to tell my mom about what I had been feeling and she said why don't you just go get checked it won't hurt. So I'm like I don't know this and that and we ended up going. We get there and they call the maternity center to come and get me. We go up and I get hooked up to the monitors and I'm there for about 20 minutes before they check my cervix. And turns out im having contractions. The nurse comes in to check if I'm dilated and I'm 5 cm. She says in your file it says your last appointment your baby was breech, we are going to do an ultrasound if he is still breech then you are going to have a c section and you will have a baby tonight within the next hour or so and if he isn't then you'll be admitted into your labor and delivery room. I'm like freaking out called my parents they rush over to the hospital. I get the ultrsound done and yup he's still breech so c section it is. I'm getting my IV and they poked me about 4 different times. Nurses walking in and out of the room asking to sign this and that. Next thing you know I'm getting rolled back into the OR. The anesthesiologist is giving me the epidural and right away my legs start to feel heavy they helped me put my legs on the table. I'm talking to my mom and then the anesthesiologist tells me in going to feel a lot of pulling and tugging. And yes I felt it. Turns out my baby's head was stuck under my rib. After they got him out they showed him to me I'm like balling my eyes out. Lol then after that my rib was just hurting really bad. I started to feel nauseous bad I started crying. I told the anesthesiologist and he gave me medication. Finally I was able to calm down and I fell asleep while they were finishing up the rest of the procedure. I get rolled out and they stop my the nursery and I see my boyfriend holding our baby. It was beautiful. 😍 they take me to my room and I don't get to see my baby for a few hours because he's in the nursery getting cleaned up and tests taken. And when I finally get to see him we get skin to skin time. I was in the hospital for 3 days then I was discharged. My son had to stay for 5 more days due to his breathing. They did blood work, x-ray of his lungs and put him on IV. Everything turned out great. My son was born at 2:38 am on July 4th, 2016. Weighing 9lb 4 ounces. And at almost 19 inches long. His name is Izaiah Castellanos 😍