
Hello Mommies! I will be 2 weeks PP tomorrow and have been struggling with anemia since the day I was induced. My midwife said my numbers concerned her before I delivered, but when my bloodwork was taken again after L&D it was even more concerning. However, she didnt really give much advice other then to take a multivitamin (which I have been taking). I havent had any bloodwork since then, but have passed many clots and feel very weak/dizzy most of the time (my newborn sleeps very well and I am usually able to get a decent rest at night but still wake up dizzy/lightheaded/weak). I have random bruising and very dark circles around my eyes. My check-up with the OB isnt until the wnd of august and I was just wondering if any other mommies out there were having the same issues or if anyone has any advice.