My experience with Depo

Hello, ladies!y name is Staci. I'm 34, and DH is 40. I am happy to have found this group, and just wanted to share my experience TTC after Depo. 
I have one child, desperately trying for #2. I was off of Depo for about 18-19 months when I finally found out I was pregnant with my daughter. She is now 8yrs old, and truly an amazing kid ? 
I honestly wasn't sure if I'd want to have another baby after that, so I (stupidly) got back on Depo. My DH and I decided about 2 yrs ago that we do want another child. I've been off of Depo and TTC since September 2013. I am just now starting to have regular cycles again, and last month I got my very first positive OPK!! I'm currently nearing the end of my TWW, and I'm desperately hoping for my BFP
I HATE Depo, and I think it's truly negligent that my doctor didn't tell me how long it would take to be able to conceive again. Yes, I had a baby after previously coming off of it, but we really weren't trying very hard, so I didn't really think much of it. 
At our ages, my DH and I really just don't have a whole lot of time left to continue safely trying. 
Wishing all of you luck and baby dust