How were you given "The Talk"?


I just had a normal sex ed class and being the youngest of 4 I picked up on a lot.

However! My half sister and a Talk with her dad that I find hilarious.

Story time!

She was 16 and her dad walked to the grocery store with her and took her in the tool section. Total man move. He said "Now, honey. You're a young women now and you're going to be...curious." "Oh, god, dad. No." "A lady has a ...uh...tool box! And you should not let anyone use or put their in your..uh..tool box." "" "Women have.... Nuts...I mean not nuts but um..yeah...and men have bolts. But you shouldn't let a man put the nut on the bolt and um..." "DAD!" "And you need to put a lock on your tool box full of NUTS so no one can steal from it and I SWEAR TO GOD IF ANYONE BREAKS THAT LOCK ILL BREAK THEM!" "FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, DAD!"
