Haven't seen a Dr in almost 4 weeks

I'm 35w 5d and at my 34 w appt I found out my insurance was changed and I was no longer able to see my current OB and I would have to switch Dr's I've been going back and forth with both offices for a week about getting my medical records transferred to the new office to even see if the Dr would accept me this late in my pregnancy.. Well everyone kept passing the buck and today I finally found out that test my old office has received the release form today, but that it would take up to 5 days to have them sent to the new office and when I asked if I can just go pick them up they said that could also take up to 5 days. I am beyond irritated and having family issues on top of it sure doesn't help.. I just want to be seen and make sure baby is 100% ok with all the stress I've been going through. What if the new office doesn't want to accept liability and accept me as a patient. What should I do in the meantime?? My main concern really is that I haven't been tested for strep b and I don't want to have to get extra tests done on me or baby at the time of birth.. Sorry for the rant I'm just so mentally exhausted and ready for this pregnancy to be over :(