What's going on with my body?

Okay so here goes, my first post so not up to date with the abbreviations sorry 
I followed this app this month and went by the most fertile days (here's a pic of the dates.)
On Thursday 14th I had a Pap smear and later in the evening had a lot of pain around my ovaries 
Did another ovulation test which was darker than any of the others I had. Although I hadn't done tests regularly during fertile window.
I was due to have my period on 21st and still no sign?
Yesterday and today i have been a little agitated and yesterday was a little tearful.
I have done 4 tests now which were all bfn planning to do a clear blue 6 days early test tomorrow incase it's just hormone levels but what do you all think is going on?
Have I ovulated later which has caused af to be delayed or could I be pregnant and ovulated twice?
Starting to go insane lol if af arrives next week I won't be happy as going on holiday :(