Pregnant with bronchitis. SICK OF IT!

Courtney • I have the most beautiful daughter in the world, Paisley Anabelle 12/8/16 @ 28weeks, 2lbs 5oz! In the NICU going strong!
I have had bronchitis & ear infections my WHOLE pregnancy. I'm 9 weeks today. I had it even before I found out I was pregnant. I took antibiotics and cough pills and nothing helped. I cough everyday uncontrollably and cough up mucus every day. I can't breathe. I'm sooooo sick of being sick. I have my first doctors appointment today and I'm telling the doctor it's getting ridiculous. It's causing me to have extreme headaches, and I can't sleep cause I can't breathe. And on top of all that I have a severe deviated septum in my nose so I literally have 0% air flow on one side of my nostril and can barley breathe out of the other side! It gets worse everyday and I can't have the surgery to fix it until after I have my baby. I'm so miserable! Nasal strips barley help anymore. :( just needed to vent !!!