What was your 39 week appointment like?


My doctor has told me since I was probably 36 weeks "we'll check you at 39 weeks and decide from there" but I can't figure out what the hell he's deciding and he's useless when you ask a question and just avoids giving definites (switching doctors after this baby!!)

But our 39 week appointment is FINALLY tomorrow and I am so anxious!

At 33+4 our daughter was estimated to be 6 pounds by ultrasound. My fundal height has measured ahead since 28 weeks. And all my doctor has told me is that it'd be better for me to have her sooner rather than later since I am 4'10 and have a narrow pelvis and IF (i know it can be wrong) the ultrasound was right she is supposed to be about 9 pounds by birth. Well, here I am and I'm still pregnant and almost 39 weeks. I am not sure if he is thinking about opting for a c-section, inducing this week, or just letting things happen. So I was wondering if any of you were in similar situations and what your doctor decided! I'm going crazy waiting and our appointment isn't until 3:30 tomorrow afternoon!