15 year old Ovarian cyst? Help!

I'm 15, had my period regularly for 3 years now, almost 4. I'm a virgin, never had any type of sex. Only masturbate w/o penetration, don't use tampons. Last week I was having an awful pain in my lower left abdomen and it got very bad. One night I was doubled over at 3 am because it hurt so much. I went to the doctors and did a urine sample and an X-Ray, nothing came up. It stopped hurting finally and I went in for an Ultra Sound. They found an ovarian cyst on my let ovary, where it was painful. No blood is flowing to it which is good. Today it just started hurting again but more in a wide spread left area when I moved my left hip or leg. I have another ultra sound in the middle of my cycle in August to see if it's still there. I'm grossed out to the MAX when it comes to surgery and have major anxiety. During the ultra sound I kept telling myself I was getting surgery done and ugh it's terrible. Can someone tell me a little more info about cysts and how to get rid of them? Also will they ever go away or will they keep coming back each month? When it ruptures is that a good sign or bad? Do I want it to burst? Also, at first they said it did burst, but now I guess they think it didn't. My mom is confusing when she tells me info so I'm not entirely sure it burst but I don't think it did.