First time I ever blames it on hormones 😈😈

Brookelynn • Mom. Ph.D. MBA. Paramedic. Ortho-Tech. Military. No time for bs.
I'm contracting. I don't need to explain how uncomfortable this is. 
My lovely wonderful hubby decides to come over to the couch, rub my back and whisper in my ear "mmm mama this might be my last chance to get it in for awhile, roll over"
I turn around. Look at him straight in his eyes with "that look" and BAM! My hand just went smack into his private spot. It was *almost uncontrollably. 
Him - "wtf?!"
Me - "sorry.... It was the hormones.. Can't control em..."
Let me tell you ladies... I felt so good I forgot about my contractions for a good 30mins and enjoyed a bowl of ice cream.Â