Moms induced for pre e

At what point did they make the call to induce? I'm 37+5 weeks.. My bp is 122/93-139/96 I'm super swollen, have an awful headache, and trace protein In my irine. My doctors are horrible and brushed it off even though I have a severe family history (heart failure,stroke and seizure) in my mom and cousin while pregnant who neither of them had protein until they had a stroke. I left one hospital because I felt something was wrong and they ignored it and drove an hour away to a better hospital and they addmited me for a 24hr stay in their high risk ward.. They are doing a 24 hour urine sample but I'm wondering if my bp doesn't get above 139/96 if they will send me home? Or has anyone been induced with symptoms like this
*update* I've been diagnosed with gestational hypertension and I'm being induced today💙