A normal ultrasound visit turned into tears...

Daisy • 26 yr. old mom of an 8yr. old prince, 6yr. old prince and a newborn princess!

On Friday 07.01.16 we arrived to our ultrasound specialist for our every 2wk check-up, not thinking nothing of it just checking on our 2 little princess. As our tech began taking their measurements going from A to B and then back to A I noticed something wasn't right. He put his hands together and I will never forget is words "unfortunately we lost baby A". At this point both my husband and myself burst into tears I could just see the techs mouth moving but I couldn't hear a word. How could we be blessed with identical twins and then have one taken away. He had us head over to L&D for an emergency C-section to deliver baby B before anything happened to her. Our baby was born at 7:42 at 34 weeks. Meaning we were unable to take her home with us, she had to be taken to the NICU. A week and 6 days later we were able to welcome baby Hazelyn home although it was a joyful moment our heart was filled with sadness knowing we could have been taking 2 princesses home with us.

A wish all those ladies with twins a healthy pregnancy and may everything go well for you!