God is GOOD!

November 4 I find out DH and I are preggo with baby #1 after trying for 5 months! Talk about getting excited! A month prior to that during worship I was thanking God and asking him to bless us with a child since that's all we wanted And I got a vision of a ruby ring surrounded by cluster diamonds. The most beautiful, clear ring I had ever seen in my life. I took that as birthstones (July-ruby, April, diamond) the next month I get my positive and the due date is in July. So exciting. 6 weeks later I have a miscarriage. I'm so scared and sad and confused I thought God showed me a ruby for a purpose. For 8 months I haven't been able to ovulate and my periods have been 90+ days in between. I felt stuck and depressed and I felt like I needed to control every situation. I was pushing for dr appointments but I couldn't get one until August 3. So I tried waiting. I went to a women's conference and the main thing that we talked about was trusting in the process and at that moment I realized I need to let go and let God. I can't do this on my own! I ovulated for the first time on my own on July 23. This was my test from today, and if this is a true + I am due in April... Ruby/diamonds.