Labor and delivery august 1st baby

Kitty • 19 year old single mom of 1

On the night of July 30th ( around 11pm ) I took a tbs of castor oil because me and my friend ( who is also pregnant ) said we were going to take it together and see if it worked. I was due 2 weeks before her (dd 8/2/16) so I went ahead and tried it without her... i woke up the next morning around 7-8 am to use the bathroom but as soon as I laid back down contractions started hitting me 7 mins apart for a while so I went to the hospital around 4pm and i was only 70% effaced 1/2cm dilated so they sent me to walk around for a hour if it didn't progress I would have to go home ..which it didn't so I got sent home around 7... laid back down tired to get some sleep and my contractions grew stronger to the point where i was yelling through each contraction i couldn't eat and barely could make it to the bathroom. I started to feel sick through a contraction that started around 11pm and i ended up throwing up and that was the final straw for me it was time to go back to the hospital and I got there around 12:30ish ( a.m )and when they checked me I was 100% effaced and 6cm dilated..i was in shock I dilated that much in such little time and everything went kind of fast from there on out I was pushing at 8am and she was here by 8:20am and im so in love wish her dad wasn't in jail so he could've seen his miracle girl be born