Don't like knowing a male in women's business. And talking crap to them.

🌈12/19❤️Rainin🙎🏽‍♀️👦🏽🙍🏻‍♂️(RIP)8/17&9/18💕 • (🤞🏽👶🏽💝🌈12/19)**(Engaged/34/Preggo)**(My4th/His/3rd)(My1st/Son/(10/05)**(2nd/Son/R.I.P👶🏽8/17& 3rd 9/18R.I.P👶🏽💔)**(👩🏽‍🔧+👦🏽+🙍🏻‍♂️=👪)**🤰🏽🌈🙏🏽
I think guys or men shouldn't be able to be on here or talking crap to women or invading privacy of women. I just flagged a guy named Mark with his gf picture up. He not just here for her. He here to be noises and talk spit. I might leave this site.