Ralphie is 5 weeks old today! 31+4 in gestational age!


So Ralphie turns 5 weeks old today! My beautiful 26 weeker has done so well.

He's currently on 7 ml feeds hourly, he's off his VPN and other lines, the one on his arm was put in due to his blood sugars dropping so he's currently being given dextrose to keep them up.

His oxygen has also gone down he's on high flow 5 at 21%!

His ROP test came back absolutely normal so no problems with his eyes!

He has had his fair share of problems so far he's had 4 blood transfusions. His hole in his heart duct is still there and hasn't closed after 2 lots of treatment however they are happy to leave it which means no surgery just yet for his PDA, he has bacteria in his poop which means at the moment we are having to hold him wearing cloaks and gloves but it's a bacteria that will pass on its own and he's currently weighing 2lb 9 oz from 1lb 7.5oz at birth! He's looking to be transferred back to our nearest hospital this week!

So proud of this little boy! Fall in love with him over and over again! He's come so far. My little miracle fighter 💙