Boyfriend problems

Hey everyone I need help :( I've been fighting so much with my boyfriend lately. He started working 2 jobs and barely gets to spend time with me and when he does have time, he hardly texts me or hardly makes an effort to see me. And I feel like it's a weekly fight now. I get mad at him for never wanting to talk on the phone before bed. And I also get mad because instead of texting me when he's home, he watches movies or is too busy at the gym. I just want know if I'm in the wrong for being so mad. Like I know he's busy but I just want to go off and be like why are u even in a relationship if u can't balance everything? Like should I even have a right to be mad? /: I'm just so confused on what to do. I'm so tempted to just end things between us because I feel like I'm single already and whenever I talk to him about he just says how he does talk to me a lot and that I overthink. Hellpppp!