Very long labor story- baby born 08/02/16

Baby Noah James was born Tuesday 08/02/16 by emergency csection after 24 hours active labor and 5 days of contractions every 2-4 minutes. 
I've had a difficult pregnancy from the beginning from a subchronic hematoma, bleeding scares, blood pressure scares, polydrominos, and early labor at 32 weeks and being put on bed rest. I started contracting regularly last Thursday and by Friday night I was ready to go to the hopsital. After being there for 7 hours I was sent home due to being only 1cm dilated. By Monday the contractions were stopping and were 2 minutes apart so I called my Dr office and after speaking to the midwife decided to come in for an appt at 2 that day. When I got
there I was told I was 3cm,my bp was high and I had trace protein in my urine that I would be getting an u/s to check fluid levels and babies position. Found out baby was head down but my fluid levels were 25.6 so to the hospital I went. 
After being admitted I wasn't progressing so we started pitocin to get things going. After being on that for 10 hours with no progression we decided to break my water to hopefully get things going- after the midwife checks me she says it feels like baby has his hand as presenting part so she wanted another u/s to check things out. 
Baby had turned completely breech in a matter of 24 hours at 39w5d. Was told a csection was the only way to get baby here safely. Dr came in and did a repeat u/s to confirm he was indeed total breech. Once in the OR after dr cut she said baby was head down that he had flipped again! Everyone in the room was shocked- esp since he was 9lb 2oun!!!
It's been a roller coaster but baby is here and healthy and I can't thank my care team enough for their attentiveness to myself and baby. 
Here's baby Noah James born 08/02/16 weighing 9lb2oun 20.5 inches long. He's absolutely perfect and as healthy as he can be.