So. I haven't had sex two/three weeks. We had "unprotected" sex. Basically we did four play, he stuck it in once or twice and we quit and continued four play. Three days before my period we had unprotected and then when I could tell he was about to come we stopped and I finished him with a blowjob. We didn't have sex for a week. I had my period. Now I've been off it for five days. 
I'm so fucking scared I'm pregnant. Before my period I took 6 pregnancy test before I was so worried. All negative. My period lasted two days with light spotting on day three. I had mucus which had a very light pink tint to it yesterday (3 days after period ended). I took another pregnancy (clear blue digital) test Tuesday which was also negative. For some reason I have it in my head that I'm pregnant and will not be rest assured until my next period. Anyway, is light pink discharge after your period normal?