I miss his love...

I miss my husband's love, affection and attention. I had all of his time during pregnancy. I was on bed rest since 27 weeks until I delivered my twins at 35+2. And he took care of me like his baby. My c section recovery is just terrible. I'm slowly learning to breastfeed, not changing diapers or swaddling yet as I can't bend. I tried once and ended up going back to square one with respect to the pain so I gave up. I have my mom who takes care of my twins during the day. My husband comes home in the evening and does everything to the babies. He is amazing and actually yells at me if he sees my tummy under pressure. He wants me to heal asap. I cannot ask for more or cannot complain at all but I miss him. We have a cup of coffee after he returns from work and that's the only us time we have. I go to bed earlier than him coz he feeds the babies, moves the cribs into our room, swaddles them and makes sure they are asleep. Not there with sex yet, I'm fully damaged with my twin pregnancy and only 4 weeks pp. We hardly get to hug in the night. I miss him :-( Not the intimacy part but being together. Being wanted. Being loved. Being cared for. I just miss being with him. Anyone else feels the same? How are you coping up?