Pregnancy test question, please answer

So I've recently been being treated for my hypothyroidism and the first question my doctor asked was "are you pregnant?" I said no because I had my period a few weeks ago, she didn't have me take a urine sample to check and didn't check in my blood along with the initial thyroid test. First thing my mom asked was if I was pregnant as well due to my weight gain. I'm on birth control but it's the mini pill so it's a little less effective. I made the mistake of not using a condom and have sex with bc only and took a kind of Plan B the next day but didn't track when I did it and now I can't remember. With the paranoia of being asked if I was pregnant I decided to buy the 6 day before Pregnancy Test just to be sure because my weight gain is getting worse, not staying the same or decreasing. I've had my period as normal between my thyroid diagnosis but my body has a tendency of not doing things right and I know some women still have periods while pregnant, though very rare but better safe than sorry.
I forgot to take the test during my first pee and discovered pink on toilet paper after I used the toilet after a bm. I have HEAVY periods, it never starts light or even pink and mine isn't due for another 8 days so I'm thinking implantion is possible.
Can I take a pregnancy test later even though it's not first morning pee?