She's Here!

So my water broke 5:30am 3/8/16 but I had no contractions and got monitored at the hospital and told everything was ok. I went back later to get induced but once they monitored me again and checked me I was told I was 5cm and contracting. I could only feel little aches and was a bit surprised as she said I was having big contractions. They decided not to induce me seeing as I was going fine on my own but once I got to 7cms it started getting really bad, I was on the birthing ball getting massaged by my SO. I got back on the bed and got checked again and was at a 9, this is when the nurse said (with scalpel in hand) "we need to cut you to help baby out or you'll tare to your bum" apparently (according to my SO) I screamed "NO!" Like I was possessed by a demon after 10mins of pushing I got her out alone without a tare or graze. All up my labor was 2hr 54m and Lucy Annabelle was born at 6:54pm on 3/8/16! Such a perfect little girl!