Different parenting styles?


I just read an article on secrets of being a Disney princess... where this woman gave some insider things to being a face character at Disney theme parks. One of the topics was she encountered different types of parenting. This little girl was taking pictures with the fairies, like tinkerbelle and her friends, they asked if she wanted a group photo and the little girl became nervous and ran to her mom. The mom got on the girl's level and asked her if she licked her face if she would feel better or something. So the little girl licked her mom's face and went and took the picture, while the fairies stood there in horror at the display.

I was expecting a way worse story about "different parenting".

I used to lick my son's face all the time, he thought it was funny as all get out. I don't do it anymore because he says "Mom, that's gross" Anyone else out there do something silly with their kids?