
So we found out February 2015 that we were expecting. We were trying for a bit with no luck and then when we stopped trying the blue lines said pregnant :) Later found out we were due October 28th with a little girl. Our family is huge having 7 aunt/uncles and their spouses along with 17 first cousins. Nobody offered to throw us a shower or ask if we were having one. They all pitched in with any other pregnancy in our family to help with showers. I put it on the back burner, though it hurt. We started planning our own and buying stuff. Mind you they had thrown a shower just a few months later for a family "friend." So September came, we had our shower and it all went well. Then came the birth of our girl. The whole waiting room is normally filled any other time there is a birth, but I only had my husbands mom and grandma and my mom and grandma. Again I didn't think about it much because I thought they would've waited until after she was born. Nobody else shows up in the days following her birth. Now at 9 months old, shes maybe seen my aunts/uncles twice bc I will not be the only one putting the effort in. Well I find out tonight that all of them are planning a shower for my cousin and his girlfriend in the coming weeks. I'm so upset and floored that my family has treated us so different. Its like we didn't need the help or the support of them because we wanted a baby or something. They didnt even care about being there or calling! I just dont understand how our family can do such a thing to one person and not the others?!