PCOS weight loss advice...

Mrs. C

So, a little background here. I am currently pregnant and hoping to lose weight post-pregnancy. I have PCOS, insulin intolerance, and a family history of obesity. I also have a brain and spinal condition where I cannot lift much weight, strain (I'm csection only), or do sprints, and a hereditary joint problem that causes my joints to dislocate and slide around more than they should.

I have been sent to five dieticians over the years and they all say basically that I am eating well and they have very little help for me. I'm on the lowest dose of metformin to control hormone fluctuations and my doctor refuses to raise it. I have been put on various diets by my doctors including Weight Watchers, vegetarian diet, calorie counting, etc.

I have also been put on Adipex, which only resulted in a ten pound loss over a three month time span. I am normally active, walking several times a week, swimming, or doing aerobic videos in addition to chasing a toddler. Theoretically, I am burning more than I'm eating so I should be seeing some change, but I am only maintaining instead of losing.

What do you recommend as a healthy way to lose weight with these conditions? Not just exercise but food choices that actually work? I am desperate to be at a healthier weight for my family's sake. Anyone with PCOS have success losing weight? Please, share your story!