Feeling hopeless...

Taylor • Hi my names Taylor and my husbands name is Kyle, we’ve been together 12 years now and married 5 years this July. I want to be a mom more than anything. We've been ttc for 9 years now. I have PCOS and endometriosis. I'm a pretty easy person to get along wi
Me and my hubby have been ttc for almost 10 months now and I'm beggining to lose hope. I know it's bad to think negative but it's hard to be positive when every cycle you really think that this could be the month and then my af either starts or I get a BFN!!! I just need some encouragement...or some positive advice to get through this hard time in ttc. I feel like I'm failure because I'm a a woman and I haven't been able to do the main thing what a woman is supposed to be able to do. I'm just really feeling upset and useless because I keep seeing my friends and family announcing that their pregnant and I haven't been able to!!!😔😢💔