I'm not expecting special treatment but...

I go to a mega church, and I have to check my son in on a screen and get him a sticker for his back and a tag so I can pick him up later. He goes to a specific nursery where they record numbers, the whole thing is to ensure no one tries to run off with your kid lol. Well the systems were down last Sunday and so my hubs and I went to the front and got in one of the lines so we could check in manually with one of the ladies. The girl in front of me has like 6 kids, hubs is holding my one and a half year old and I'm 34 weeks, and we're waiting in line patiently. This lady with her 5 kids walks up after us and stands right next to us, and keeps eyeballing me. Needless to say she cut us off! She literally half sprinted the 4 feet to the counter! The next lady over saw and was free 10 seconds later and motioned us over to check in my ONE kid. 
I'm not asking for special treatment, but why the fuck would you cut a pregnant woman in line when you're going to take 5x as long as me at CHURCH. For the love of all things holy how can you think that behavior is okay? It took everything I had not to flip. Why are people so stupid??