SO masturbating

My SO and I have had a pretty decent sex life, before I got pregnant we had sex atleast twice a day and sometimes more.. After I got pregnant it went down to like once a day sometimes we would skip a day or so in between but never more than a few days without. That being said, not being able to have sex for a few weeks after giving birth has been pretty rough for me but it doesn't seem to bother him as much. I've given him oral a few times, whenever I get the chance really, but sometimes it seems like he doesn't want anything to do with me when I try to which bothers me because most guys would love the idea of getting a blowjob more than once a week without giving anything in return and because I've noticed he has been masturbating atleast like twice a week. (He takes his phone in the bathroom when he goes to shower and closes the door which he has never done before now) And that really bothers me. I don't know why. It makes me feel inadequate and makes me feel like he is watching all these girls on porn videos and he doesn't like the way I look anymore even though at 2 weeks pp I was already 10 lbs less than my prepregnancy weight. Am I just being stupid and paranoid or is anyone else going through this too?