My period started a week early which is new to me(8/1) I noticed a watery pink discharge whole at work. That was all for that day, I slept with a pad on just in case, I woke up to a small spot of brown blood smaller than a dime... A few hours later at work it had got a bit heavier enough to half way cover a liner.. The evening I took a bath and it was like the flood gates were open.. So I went to bed that night and when I woke up expected to have to change my pad but it was again barely full, the next two days were light/spotting them it was over all together, my BF and I had sex a day later(sunday) and to my surprise once again there was pink watery discharge .. During this time I had no cramps no nothing which is weird for me I always get severe cramps and diarrhea (TMI) moving along the past 2 days I've had diarrhea and today I'm having sharp pains in my sides, and period like cramps it feels almost heavy like my uterus is going to fall out, dizziness, and I feel the urge to throw up.. I feel as if I'm about to start
AF again.. My Bf and I did have sex around the time I should've been ovulating on the day I supposedly ovulated(7/24) and he didn't pull out.. I don't think I'm pregnant because I had a period about a week later.. I just never experienced this before..any input?