Ladies help!!!!

I'm 25 weeks and 3 days my baby is in head down position pushing right up against my cervix I'm high risk pregnancy for premature labor just last night I was getting lower back pain and I've been having contractions on and off and today I was so tired I fell asleep my lower back still hurts and when I woke up I was hurting so bad in my vagina its hard to get comfortable at night to go to sleep my doctor is not really listening to me the hospital put me on bed rest I had 4 miscarriages in the past history my first born son I was high risk with almost had him premature and in December 2015 I had a D&C done I almost died cause I lost to much blood and I got pregnant with this baby like 2 months after that!!! My doctor just measured my belly and he said it was only 22cm and my belly gotten smaller and I've lost weight my amniotic fluid level was 12 so they said it was a little low now and they said I have no vaginal infections but since yesterday I believe I have a UTI cause it hurts real bad in my vagina. Were any of y'all high risk?? What should I do im worried that she might be moving her head further down what should I do my doctor won't listen to me