Old wives tales how wrong you were!

We found out today we are having our second bouncing baby boy in December! Yay! Just for fun I thought if weigh in on which old wives tales were right and wrong for me!
Correct (indicating boy):
I'm carrying very low
Dull urine (I think! This was hard to tell)
Dreams of baby girl (indicating the opposite)
Craving cheese and salty snacks 
Wrong (indicating girl):
I had Pregnancy acne
Baby had a very high heart rate every time!
Chinese gender chart said girl
Biorhythm said girl
Gaining weight all over, not just belly
Insane morning sickness for 18w
Very moody. Very, very moody.
I had Glossy hair, not dry
Left breast is bigger, indicating girl
Most importantly my intuition was WRONG
It's important to remember these are all old wives tails for a reason. I was so sure I was having a girl and I'm so glad to know its a boy! we almost waited till birth but we couldn't wait--now I'm glad we didn't!! I love little boys😍