Evening Primrose Oil

I started taking EPO last night. Today I took 2 and insert 1 and I lost a huge part of my mucus plug! I also took my kids and my nana shopping and to lunch and since about 2pm I've had lots of stomach tightening, like it's being pulled down at the same time. I think they're still just Braxton hicks (my others I had back labor so BHC are kind of new to me strangely enough) but I'm hoping they become regular. My Dr said the other day that I was thinning but my cervix was still closed. I got a positive fetal Fibernectin result and apparently my uterus is "very irritated" and she's worried it's stressing the baby. I told her I would rather try to induce naturally rather than schedule an induction date. She doesn't expect me to go past 36weeks since my other kids never have. I'm exactly 35 weeks now and she is estimated to be 6lbs already. I know the longer she's in the better and I wish she would stay in longer than my other kids but I just want my water to break on its own not when the dr wants it to. SO that being said is it bad that I'm excited to be trying EPO and that I really hope I begin dilating and that my water breaks before my dr does it for me? I just prefer being in control of my body as much as possible.