Long post but please help😔

I'm sorry for the long post but could you please take the time to read and respond? I feel so confused...
since around March I started to wonder if I am pregnant. I was still getting my period though so I never took a test. I never had morning sickness or other symptoms, I only had cravings for things I wouldn't normally eat. I also started getting dreams that I'm pregnant from my mom who passed away. The only thing I had to go by was keeping an eye on my belly to see if it grew, and I think it is growing but I don't know if it's all in my head. I seem to get bigger at night but lately I've been getting bigger even in the day time. And since around what would be my 14th/15th week if I am pregnant I started to get what feels like stomach spasms that have as of recently started to occasionally feel like strong spasms that flutter and startle me. They are everywhere though. One minute it could be in my pelvis, the next where my ribs are, and sometimes up high where my stomach is. Today I went to get a urine test at the hospital. They brushed me off because I was still getting my period but I know this happens to some women. When I told them about my growing belly she laughed and said everyone's belly gets big because of eating but I can tell the difference 🙄they told me the test came out negative, but I can't help but think I'm pregnant. I don't know if it's just wishful thinking but something seems different despite all the factors pointing to negative. My questions are, with the belly pics I attached, does that seem like a normal fat stomach after eating or like a pregnancy belly? (Note: I've always had a flat stomach-I'll insert a comparison and am only 105lbs) Do you think it sounds like I'm pregnant and for some reason I'm still getting my period and a negative test or is it wishful thinking?
Side view (not pregnant)
Front view (not pregnant)
Few weeks ago... (if pregnant)Â