
So I've done a lot of symptom spotting and I need to know what you all think!

1) sore nipples and aching breasts - when I lay down, it feels like someone is continuously squeezing my boobs.

2) nausea - I woke up a couple mornings ago vomiting and I vomited last night right before I went to bed.

3) headaches, neckaches, and backaches.

4) hot flashes - horrible to the point that I've had to get my floor stand up fan and point it at me in the living room.

5) fatigue - constantly want to sleep and take naps

6) irritability - I snap on my boyfriend daily over stupid stupid things. I yell at him and get offended easily.

7) increased appetite - I eat all the time and have been craving mashed potatoes and sour cream with pickles.


8) vvvvvf positive. Able to see line in person and has color.

9) my period is 2 days late. My period has been super regular for the last 7 months. About 16-17 dpo

Any of you having any of these? I'm wanting to take a digital but I'm nervous!