PP Depression and now...

So I've been dealing with a ton of stress and PPD so bad that I've had severe migraines for the past 2 weeks. I finally decided to go to the hospital for it and they took care of it and sent me home...as Im on my rd I see a dog laying in the rd. Around here that's not unusual so I assume its just sleeping...then I get closer and see its black and white...my dog is the only dog on this street that color...my heart dropped a little I pulled up next to him and called his name so many times and he never moved...he had gotten hit by a car while I was gone. I had to carry him up our driveway and lay him in the grass until my husband got home. I went across the street to see if they saw who hit him and they tell me "no we just heard a dog crying and then it stopped we didn't know it was yours" 😭😭😭 my poor baby suffered before he went and nobody was there to comfort him. I feel so guilty I didn't even think to check if he was inside before I left. And I always tell my dogs "see u later love u!" when I leave...but I didn't even tell him last night. 😭 I miss my baby so much already 💔