Please pray for me.

Shianne • Married 2-15-14. Police Officers Wife! Daughter of the KING! Patiently waiting & PRAYING for baby #1! Trusting my Savior
Hello ladies. My name is shi & I have been ttc for what seems like an eternity. I have been married for around a year with no Luck getting a BFP. For this entire year I have been on no type of birth control but have only "seriously" tried to conceive for about 2/4 months (bbt charting, opks, etc). At first I thought there was nothing to getting pregnant..if just BD & it would happen. However I started to find out that it's a little more difficult than that. I never knew about opks or bbt charting and only bbt charted for a few cycles an used opks for about 3. I've never had regular periods. However I never go months at a time without one (maybe one here and there). It's almost been a year with no BFP. I know God has a reason for all things. But sometimes it's hard to keep the faith that I will have a child. I know there are couples that have been trying longer than I have. Yet still it hurts me just the same. My husband is extremely faithful that we will conceive. He seems to have no worries at all which makes it hard on me because when I get down he just tells me it will happen soon. I just need a boost and would like to ask all you ladies to please send up a little prayer for me. There is power through Prayer & id just like to ask everyone that can to please pray for me.