L&D Again

On August 10th(Wednesday) I came to the hospital at 33 weeks 6 days because I had 2min apart contractions they checked me and I was 2cm at 11pm by 3am I was 3cm by 9am I was 4cm. All that time they gave me medicine to stop my contractions, gave me 2 sets of steroids shots for baby lungs. Cause I'm still to early by Thursday I was 34 weeks already they did a full ultrasound baby is measuring 36week 6days ahead and 6pounds. Thr nurse said my water bag and baby was so low. So it worked for a while no contractions and wasn't opening anymore. They let me go home August 12(Friday) they put me on bedrest. While i was at home doing nothing but be in bed I started getting lil mild contraction here and there nothing I couldn't take. But in the night by 10pm I started getting more intensive pain and a lot of pressure like period cramps coming from my lower back to my stomach to down there. I came to the hospital have been here all night with contractions she checked me twice the first the baby was there pushing out and today in the morning she checked me and she felt baby head and my water bag more closer that's why I have so much pressure. She said I am in active labor and won't stop it anymore and my labor was gonna be slow I don't get that. Shouldn't they help too make it faster. Has anybody been thru this? This is my second pregnancy with my daughter I had her at 37 weeks with no problems. I am scared having my baby so early even tho they say he is very develop and looks good. I need some piece of mind.