Advice maybe ?

Sunshine☀️☀️ • Married. 24 yr old young woman. SAHM. To my wonderful 3 yr old son. Ttc baby #2
A little background first. I had a miscarriage 6/12. Everything was done passing by 6/18. No more blood or discharge or anything. Well, as of two days ago I had very brown light discharge. Then I had very light pink discharge which was stretchy (if that make sense). I thought it was the start of AF. So yesterday, I had what I thought was my period. When I wiped I saw blood so I put a tampon in. Long story short, as I was taking tampon out to change it. It was absolutely nothing on it. Zero zip nada. So I put a pad on ya know, just in case and here it is the next day, and nothing still.  Has this happened to anyone before? A one day period? Well actually more like a 2 hour period lol