Positive then negative then positive???? Might be tmi!!!

Hi there! I'm new to ttc and to glow! This is our second month trying. I had what I think was period on July 16, was Brown spotting really and that's it! The first week of August I tested faint positive on several hpts over about four days, I had a blood test which came back negative, less than two. After that I tested negative on hpts. They told me to wait to see if I get my period. On Thursday it was 5 days late so I tested and negative, that night I started spotting brown. Friday i thought I'd gotten a period but really it was just one time of heavier red blood then the rest of the day was brown spotting, didn't even need a pad. But I had horrific cramps!  The rest of the weekend has just been sparatic spotting. So yesterday I took a test in the morning because this is just weird for me, and there was a super faint line, husband said it was negative, but I knew there was one so this morning I tested agian, and got a darker line! I ran to Walgreens bought a different box ( all first response) and that one actually showed up darker than the first one! I took another this afternoon and there was also a faint positive. At this point I'm not sure what to think or do. I'll probably wait a few days and see if that line gets darker but I'd love to hear from you guys as to what you think! I'm so new to this and I'm starting to think I don't understand my own body anymore!! Any thoughts you have would be great!!